Fee Information-九州体育平台入口
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Fee Policies

Mandatory Fees:

Enrollment Fee:

  • $46.00 per semester unit.

Non-Resident / Foreign Tuition:

Effective Fall 2023

  •    $414.00 per semester unit Non-Resident fee
  • + $46.00 per semester unit Enrollment fee (listed above)
  • + $46.00 per semester unit Capital Outlay Fee (listed below)
  • = $506.00 per semester unit

Effective Fall 2024

  •    $406.00 per semester unit Non-Resident fee
  • + $46.00 per semester unit Enrollment fee (listed above)
  • + $151.00 per semester unit Capital Outlay Fee (listed below)
  • = $603.00 per semester unit

Note: Non-resident / Foreign students must also pay the mandatory enrollment fees listed above.

Why do non-residents pay more?
California public higher education is "subsidized" by the state. The lower fees for students who reside in California are intended to reflect the contribution they and their parents have already made by living and paying taxes in California. The fee charged to non-California residents is intended to cover the cost of the "subsidy" that is provided to California Residents.

Upper Division Coursework Fee:

Effective Spring 2024

  • $84.00 per semester unit

Attention: If you are enrolled in a Bachelor's program offering upper-division courses, please be aware that you are required to pay the enrollment fee as well as any non-resident or foreign tuition fees, if applicable. Additional fees listed below may also apply.

Audit Fee:

  • $15.00 per semester unit


  • This fee applies to students enrolling in courses for audit and is in lieu of the Enrollment, Non-Resident, or Upper Division Courework fees listed above.
  • Students enrolled in ten (10) or more semester credit units will not be charged a fee to audit three (3) or fewer units per semester.

Capital Outlay Fee:

Effective Fall 2023

  • $46.00 per semester unit

Effective Fall 2024

  • $151.00 per semester unit

Note: This fee applies to all non-resident students.

Student Center Fee:

  • $1.00 per semester unit with a maximum of $10.00 per year assessed fall through summer.

Student Representation Fee:

  • $2.00 per semester.

Note: Students may opt-out of this fee when registering for courses the first time each semester. 

Health Fee:

Effective Summer 2023

  • Fall or Spring - $24.50 per semester.
  • Summer - $20.50 per semester.

Waiver: Students who depend exclusively upon prayer for healing in accordance with the teachings of a bona fide religious sect, denomination, or organization may request a waiver of this fee.  Waiver requests must be submitted to the Admissions & Records Office each semester after registering for courses and before payment is submitted.

Accident Insurance Fee:

  • $1.50 per semester.

Student Transportation Fee:

Fall and Spring Semesters:

  • Students enrolled in six (6) or more units (district wide) - $9.00 per semester.
  • Students enrolled in less than six (6) units (district wide) - $8.00 per semester.

Summer Semester:

  • Students enrolled in six (6) or more units (district wide) - $6.00 per semester.
  • Students enrolled in less than six (6) units (district wide) - $5.00 per semester.

Optional Fees:

Miscellaneous Fees:

Payment Methods:

Online: Students may pay registration fees online via the Web Registration system using a Visa or Mastercard.

In-Person/On-Campus: Students may pay for registration fees in-person in the Admissions & Records Office during business hours.

Payment Types Accepted: Visa, Mastercard, Cash, Check or Money Order.

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